
Includes options for 5 various React/Node projects and an MVC builder

The Multi-Installer can :

Set up a project from a fork (from one of my projects)
Once you have created a Fork of one of my projects (Here), and entered the relevant URL, this will perform the following:
  1. Clones your forked repository
  2. Moves into the project folder and adds the upstream address
  3. Runs 'composer install' and 'composer update'
  4. Creates a config file to contain the DB constants (Presuming use of simple localhost settings)
  5. Exits
Set up a React app with Tailwind included
Provide the project name, (it will change it to lowercase), and then perform the following:
  • Creates the React app - this may take some time
  • Moves into the project folder and installs Tailwind
  • Copies the current CSS file and replaces it with one containing the necessary Tailwind attributes added
  • Creates the tailwind.config file
  • Exits
Set up a React app with Bootstrap included
Provide the project name, (it will change it to lowercase), and then perform the following:
  • Creates the React App - this may take some time
  • Moves into the project folder and installs Bootstrap
  • Copies the current JS file and replaces it with one containing the necessary Bootstrap imports added
  • Exits
Create a Node project
Provide the project name, (it will change it to lowercase), and then perform the following:
  • Creates the Node project using Express (view set to ejs)
  • Moves into the project directory and updates dependencies
  • Adjusts the Debug direction to the project
  • Installs Nodemon
  • Adjusts the package.json to include Nodemon launch command ('npm run dev')
  • Exits
Create a Node project with Database
Provide the project name, (it will change it to lowercase), and then perform the following:
  • Creates the Node project using Express (view set to ejs)
  • Moves into the project directory and updates dependencies
  • Adjusts the Debug direction to the project
  • Installs Nodemon
  • Installs MySql
  • Adjusts the package.json to include Nodemon launch command ('npm run dev')
  • Creates a 'models' directory
  • Adds the 'db.js file'
  • Creates a 'config' directory
  • Adds the 'dbConfig.js' file
  • Exits
Create an empty MVC
Provide the project name, and then perform the following:
  • Creates empty folders following MVC standards
  • Adds a placeholding readMe file to all folders
  • Creates a root index.php to force redirection to the /public folder
  • Creates a generalised .gitignore (covers 99% of generally ignored files - make sure that project specific files are included)
  • Exits
Setup a Twig Project
Provide the project name, and then perform the following:
  • Creates empty folders following MVC standards
  • Adds a placeholding readMe file to all folders
  • Creates a root index.php to force redirection to the /public folder
  • Creates a generalised .gitignore (covers 99% of generally ignored files - make sure that project specific files are included)
  • Creates a config file to store global constants
  • Adds Route and Public Controllers
  • Creates empty twigs base>template>public.index
  • Creates the main index.php to handle creation of twig environment
  • Installs Twig
  • Initialises Git
  • Exits

You can find the source code for this .exe here